Getting 404 while hosting flutter web project on GitHub pages

Tirth Patel
2 min readApr 17, 2021

When you’re using the default domain to host your Flutter application project on GitHub Pages you might get a 404 error if you’ve not configured the base tag in index.html of the Flutter application project.

Here is an example to demonstrate this issue:

To solve this issue you can edit it by adding the name of the repo: (If you’re not a fan of adding trailing backslash then write /flutter-cng 😛)

You can either edit the base tag in lib/web/index.html or lib/build/web/index.html. But it’s better to do it in lib/web/index.html so that you don’t have to edit the base after every flutter build web.

In lib/web/index.html, there is an HTML comment that mentions the usage of base tag:

When I faced this same issue, I luckily found an answer on StackOverflow after searching for so long 😌, which suggests the same solution:

That’s it for this one. Thank you for reading this 💙

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